Rose Animal Clinic

Pet Surgery in Bentonville, AR

When your pet needs a surgery, we are here every step of the way, offering you the highest quality care.

Surgery & Related Services

At some point in your pet’s life, they may need a surgical procedure. Whether your pet is having an elective surgery such as spay or neuter, or an emergency surgery for intestinal obstruction, you can rest assured that our staff will provide the very best care possible for your pet.

Our facility offers the following surgical services for companion animals:
  • Routine spay and neuter
  • Dentistry
  • Tumor removal
  • Abdominal and soft tissue procedures
  • Endoscopy and biopsies
  • Laparoscopic surgery
In the best interests of our pet, we require a physical examination appointment with one of our doctors prior to scheduling procedures. Before the procedure is scheduled, our staff will explain the process. This is also a great opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding your pet’s surgery.
The surgical process may include the following:
  • We require routine pre-anesthetic blood work to screen for potential health risks on any patients older than 18 months. Although blood work is not required for patients under 18 months, it is highly recommended. Blood work can either be performed, in-house, on the day of surgery, or sent days in advance to our outside lab.
  • Food and water intake restrictions prior to surgery – a period of fasting may be necessary prior to your pet’s procedure. Our staff will let you know what is advised.
  • What procedures are to be done on the day of surgery – from initial intake to sedation and general anesthesia, anesthesia monitoring, the procedure and recovery, the staff will walk you through what will happen with your pet once you leave the hospital.
  • Discharge and aftercare for your pet – some patients may be able to go home the same day as their procedure, whereas others may need an overnight stay or referral to a 24-hour care facility. The veterinary team will advise you as to what is best for your pet, and also discuss aftercare for your companion and any rechecks needed.